Don't Break the Ice
Tap out ice blocks one by one, but don't let Phillip the penguin drop!

See what other therapists have to say about this terrific game:
"I use this game in my work as an SLP. I have used the older style for years and was hoping to see some improvements in this new release. The legs now attach to a solid square base, which is a nice upgrade from the previous model. However the tabs that help hold the ice in place still feel somewhat weak (as I'm sure they need to be a bit to allow the necessary give to squeeze the cubes in), but I'm hopeful they won't break as easily. The penguin substitute for the bear is nice, as something felt odd about knocking a polar bear into the "water." He feels sturdy and is really easy to put into the larger ice block. The hammer redesigns feel much better. The box fits everything just right when you first open it, but storing the game in this box is a bit of a hassle as it has to sit just right to close. I have taken to just storing the main square outside the box as it is hard to fit it all inside. Hoping this new release holds up better than the older version!"